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 About Us



To engage residents and stakeholders in the development and implementation of programs and initiatives that improve community health and quality of life in South Lansing.  


Guiding Philosophy


The fabric of every community is woven of many threads  - neighborhoods, schools, places of worship, businesses, nonprofit agencies, and government.  The tighter the weave, the stronger the fabric.  To strengthen the fabric of our South Lansing community, we nurture relationships among our residents and stakeholders, provide opportunities for sharing news and information, and support citizen-driven efforts to improve our community.      



South Lansing CDA’s priorities are guided by the voices of our community.  We provide programs, resources, and advocacy to achieve goals identified by our stakeholders.  To date, these include: 

  • Strengthening place attachment and pride in South Lansing
  • Empowering residents to improve their neighborhoods
  • Sharing the economic and environmental benefits of buying local
  • Improving access to healthy foods and nutrition information
  • Protecting and enhancing urban green spaces
  • Promoting active living by design
  • Increasing awareness of broad-spectrum community resources
  • Facilitating community dialog on issues of mutual interest
  • Encouraging stakeholder participation in community problem solving
  • Collaborating on citywide community development initiatives
  • Advocating for policies that stimulate community and economic growth